Optimization and Applications of pFI in LOV Format

In addition to the protocols outlined in the previous section,  many other  assay sequences can be envisioned. This is because the structure of any sequence comprises three components: the number of reagents used, the number of transfers  between holding coils, and the method used, that is SHC or SFC.

At this early stage of method development  it is practical to consider only few basic sequences and to examine their feasibility and potential applications.

Single reagent protocol can be designed without transfer (A), and with single transfer (B)
Feasibility and protocol optimization for single reagent assays is discussed and experimentally verified in (1.2.28.) and used for assay of

Two reagent assay protocol can be designed with a single transfer (C) or two transfers (D), both variants in either SHC or SFC mode.
Feasibility and protocol optimization for two reagent assays is discussed and  verified in and (1.2.30.) and applied to assay of

Multiple reagent assays, and split sample assays may be designed by extending and adjusting sequences outlined here.

In addition, combination of sequences in pFI with SI mode for multi reagent assays may be envisioned. They will be bewildering and probably not very practical.
